Thursday, March 14, 2013

"Sir Raymond of Dale" preliminary sketchs are up!

During the course of the last week I have been working on just getting some of the work for "Falendor" completed. Over the last two days I have finished "Sir Raymond of Dale" or "Sir R.O.D." as I call him.

Since we have officially been invited to "Spring Con" on May 18th and 19th, I have decided THAT'S where I am going to be releasing the first copies of "Falendor" and also release the LAST book of "Small Town Values."

Here is the intro for "Sir RoD":
"Trying to prove himself in a world where chivalry is but a rumor, honor is only whispered of and courageousness is reserved for all but the dead, our Hero is in search of the mystical, Ring of Eternity. He battles on through every quest hoping that after each encounter he is one step closer to achieving his prize.

He is courageous, dependable and ...without a clue ... he is, Sir Raymond of Dale.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Basic sketches are being worked on.

With the help of my Niece Lyndsey and Nephew Nick we are working together while eating breakfast.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

3 Logos are done!

Even though its been a busy weekend I have managed to get the first three logos finished.

I have managed to "mash together" a couple of my note books but because of this week being the last week that I have to practice my new bus route, I don't know how much work I will be getting done, but we'll see. Let me know what you think of them. I think I have about 5 or 6 to go.